Saturday 22 March 2008

Easter for Vou Workster for Moi

I was so glad to find that the Easter Bunny finally got what was coming to the little sh.. especially as I have had to work Good Friday, Easter Sat... and will be working Sun and Mon... Okay, so it's just a mindset, but you'd be surprised how much you feel that the four-day break is a 'right of passage'. I shall very much enjoy posting when it's Chuseok though that is quite a hop away.

To all of my family and friends who are drinking, funning, sunning or just plain lounging around on this most holy occasion... GET TO CHURCH!

That's what the holiday is for!

Okay so enjoy your holiday anyway! (Moi am truly truly green!)


merlot92 said...

I went to church as directed, twice I might add not that I had to be pushed. The Good Friday service was a timely reminder of the price that was paid for our salvation. Sunday morning service was a real celebration of the vast love the father has for us and the fact that the God who raised Jesus from the dead is just as powerful and relevant today. If he has raise Jesus from the dead he is capable of anything we ask of him.

"Father, thank you for the manger, the cross, and the empty tomb that all combine to reveal that in Jesus Christ there is a deathless hope, endless peace, and a life full of purpose and meaning".

just_susan said...

Wonderful Bec. It makes my heart glad to read your faith filled comments. Love you MUM