Friday 18 May 2007

Can't Believe It's Friday AGAIN!!!

The past week has whizzed by. I've been adding, editing and fiddling with my second assignment before and after work... This morning I spent 3 hours trying to work out why the pop up feedback messages on one of my quizzes remained transparent. Finally fixed it but still don't understand why it happened in the first place which is very annoying. Also, everytime I adjusted the wretched thing it erased any changes I made in Dreamweaver... it's the HotPotatoes software... Imagine the joy of continually adding 'Flash Buttons' - uploading them and then doing it again... Okay so some days I am very slow on the uptake.

That said, I still think it was worth it because I also sorted out the problem with the images not showing once I had transferred the file... I do hope my students appreciate all these little nuances when they are doing the exercises... :(

Sorry no piccies today... maybe next time.

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