Sunday 27 May 2007

Free At Last ... Free At Last... Almost...

Okay so it hasn't been 28 years since I began this project but if a 'thousand years is but a day unto the Lord'... reverse that and you get my drift!

I am excrutiatingly happy to say that I have finally finished my first draft of the Rationale!

As prescribed by all writing gurus, I shall now leave it for a full 24 hours before reading it again!


Moon said...

hello.. Susan..
I know,, as soon as you wanted to leave your paper assignment, I sent my assignment to ake some favor.. sorry though..

Thanks for your efforts and time for that...


just_susan said...

Hi Moon,
It's okay. I was happy to help you in some small way.


Moon said...

What I like about your website..
I was extremely impressed by your website.
(1) Topic: You chose really suitable topic which students can be interested in and they should be interested in.

(2) Design & Structure: Overall colors in your website akes viewers feel comfortable and I haven’t got eye sore although I explored your website for a long time. I like the function, changing colors when I click, in order to enter each section. It makes me feel like clicking the activities more. I think it works much more for students.
Moreover, It was easy for me to navigate your website and you linked proper, fun and interesting links, such as “5 a Day fun Quiz”.

(3) Activities :I am astonished with your effort on each activity. No wonder you must have been exhausted everyday in front of computer monitor.

-Each activity is introduced what topic is it about through the titles (e.g. what type of Fruit is it? -> it must be about fruit, not about meat, or nutritive value.) This is because mine is not mentioned about what specific topic the cloze or the gap-filling exercise is about.

-I like time allocation in Gap-fill exercise. It made me not being lazy with internet activities and gave me some tension as much as we need to study efficiently. On top of it, you put thoughtful and scaffoldable hints. Actually, my hints for Gap-fill exercise is simple, however yours is very informative so through the hints I was able to learn more.

-Furthermore, you tried to get students motivated and encourage their studying as well as guiding them into a site for more information,

-Cross puzzle is outstanding among activities.
It told me how many wrong answers I had got and how many were not completed, not to mention about hints and the function of “solve”

**And I am sending more via email..


just_susan said...

Thank you Moon. Your comments have been very encouraging. I will try to look at your website today and post my comments to your blog. If not I will certainly do so as soon as I return from my short break on Monday evening.

Regards Susan